Midtown Events
Planning Workshops
The following data and resources were presented and discussed at the Existing Conditions workshops.
July 2024 Existing Conditions Workshop Introduction PPT
Historic Midtown Existing Conditions Boards
Choice Neighborhoods Infographic
Resident Survey Highlights
Historic Midtown Task Force Roles and Information
Early Action Activities Handout
Meetings & Events
Choice Neighborhoods Task Force Meeting: People Health & Wellness
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
With 16 stakeholders in attendance, the Choice Neighborhoods People Task Force focused on program availability, barriers, and opportunities around the Health and Wellness domain. The meeting started with an overview of data from residents, community partners, and the Visioning public activity to establish the top community health concerns. The discussion was lively with a variety of resources and potential solutions identified, and attendees shared innovative ideas. Again, coordination of opportunities was considered an important tool for success.
Choice Neighborhoods Task Force Meeting: Neighborhood Housing
Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Led by the City of Daytona Beach, we hosted the first Task Force meeting focusing on the Neighborhood domain with 12 residents, partners, and stakeholders. Resident and neighborhood data was reviewed along with input from the Visioning and Design Charrette activities. The discussion was initiated by City of Daytona Beach staff who explained valuable tools and partners who support existing households in the target communities. The group considered homeowners, renters, and business owners and centered the discussion around identifying opportunities for expansion, growth, and improvement. Neighborhood connection, a sense of community, and supportive approaches to self sufficiency were thematic in the discussion.
Choice Neighborhoods Task Force Meeting: People Education
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 10-11 a.m.
The Choice Neighborhood People Task Force met to discuss Education. With 16 education experts, residents, and partners, we focused on both early learning and K-12 education topics, and data and community input established the conversation. As part of the data review process, Young Planners comments and feedback was shared to elevate the youth voice. A variety of current partners and programs were collected, and additional ideas were captured for consideration. The group was energized to develop ideas that benefit youth and their caregivers, and a coordinated approach to educational supportive services was a key theme.
Young Planners Design Charrette
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
John H. Dickerson Center Gym
A total of 13 young planners and 15 adults learned how to design the Midtown community and reach our target goal of housing units. The young planners had wonderful and creative ideas, from a four-star hotel to a dance studio, and built design concepts for the Palmetto Park and Loomis sites. They also envisioned how the community could use space for recreation, activities, and fun. They brought alive a vision of ball fields, stadiums, dog parks, and lots of play structures.
Design Charrette Public Session
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 6-7:30 p.m.
John H. Dickerson Center Gym
Over 43 attendees collaborated at the Design Charrette to create a cohesive vision for the Choice Neighborhoods Midtown community planning process. Four teams developed plans for the Palmetto Park and Loomis sites and then built a vision for recreation at the Caroline Village property. Ideas both big and small were discussed and considered as the collaborators arranged the community, housing, and people sites and resources. Community Ambassadors served as spokespeople and presented their group’s vision for all to review and consider. After the event, attendees continued to explore the boards and ask questions around the Choice Neighborhoods project.
One Voice for Volusia Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 9-10:30 a.m.
Piggotte Center
Housing Daytona Beach was the featured speaker at the November One Voice for Volusia Coalition meeting. The HDB team presented to 59 attendees about the history of the Midtown community, current programs, and opportunities to engage with residents. The meeting ended with information about the Design Charrette activities and the upcoming Task Force meetings.
Choice Neighborhoods Task Force Meeting: People Workforce
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 10-11 a.m.
We kicked off a series of Task Force meetings with a deep dive into the People Workforce domain. There were 22 residents, community providers, and key stakeholders in attendance. Resident data around workforce was shared and then the floor was opened to discuss strategies to improve workforce outcomes for residents. The participants shared ideas around use of current assets, vocational rehabilitation, promoting employment opportunities, and empowering self-sufficiency.
Design Charrette 101 Training with Community Ambassadors
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 12-1 p.m.
Palmetto Park
To prepare for their leadership roles at the public Design Charrette, 14 Community Ambassadors and staff attended the Design Charrette 101 training session. We reviewed the Design Charrette goals, properties, and purpose. The group walked through the actual design charrette board and considered how to help guide attendees through the process. The event was rounded out with pizza and good conversation among the team.
Dream Center’s Adopt a Block event at the John H. Dickerson Center
John H. Dickerson Center
Saturday, June 8 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
The team attended the Adopt a Block event to connect with residents and community members about the Choice Neighborhood Planning project and create excitement around the potential for transforming the Midtown and Caroline Village, Palmetto Park, and Walnut Oak communities, and we asked them to look for information on future events. At the same time, we interacted with the children, providing activities and goodies. We were also able to connect with other vendors and providers to share future opportunities to connect with the Choice Neighborhoods process.
One Voice for Volusia Coalition Meeting
Department of Health Holsonback, Daytona Beach, FL
Wednesday, June 12 from 9-11 a.m.
The team participated in the One Voice for Volusia Coalition meeting and their first-ever provider showcase. The One Voice for Volusia Coalition meetings empower community providers to learn and network as a way to build capacity for the community. As part of many entities to share information, Kristy Amburgey and Seletha Bradley provided an overview of the Choice Neighborhoods project and then shared three calls to action: invitation to future Taskforce meetings, invitation to the public Existing Conditions session, and support in promoting all events with their constituents.
Community Ambassador Meet & Greet
Palmetto Park
Tuesday, July 2 from 12-1:15 p.m.
Housing Daytona Beach and One Voice for Volusia hosted a great Community Ambassador Meet & Greet. We shared information about the Choice Neighborhoods Planning process, Existing Conditions activities, and future events. The Community Ambassadors also had the opportunity to hear about their roles and have their questions answered. We look forward to working with this amazing and creative group to drive transformation in the Midtown Community.
Summer Fun on the Run event at the John H. Dickerson Center
John H. Dickerson Center
Wednesday July 10 from 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
One Voice for Volusia joined Housing Daytona Beach to promote the upcoming Existing Conditions Workshop. We spoke with parents about this series, the Youth Planning Workshop, and the role of One Voice for Volusia within the community. We also had the opportunity to play games with the children and provide books, prizes, and goodies.
Pop-up Italian Ice Youth Event at Palmetto Park
Palmetto ParkTuesday, July 16 at 12 p.m.
Housing Daytona Beach and One Voice for Volusia hosted a pop-up event at Palmetto Park, creating a fun atmosphere to give out Italian Ice treats and interact with youth. We showed off our athletic skills with football, soccer, and volleyball, and a few young people braved the hula hoops and giant fun-feet. Staff were able to engage with children, give them refreshing treats, and invite them to attend the Young Planners event during the Existing Conditions Workshop series.
Housing Daytona Beach and One Voice for Volusia hosted a pop-up event at Palmetto Park, creating a fun atmosphere to give out Italian Ice treats and interact with youth. We showed off our athletic skills with football, soccer, and volleyball, and a few young people braved the hula hoops and giant fun-feet. Staff were able to engage with children, give them refreshing treats, and invite them to attend the Young Planners event during the Existing Conditions Workshop series.
Existing Conditions Youth Planners Event
John H. Dickerson Center
Monday, July 22 at 10 a.m.-11:30 p.m.
Housing Daytona Beach and the City of Daytona Beach hosted a Youth Planners event as part of the Existing Conditions Workshop series where they learned about Choice Neighborhoods and the planning process. The 30 youth then completed an exercise where they answered, “What makes your neighborhood great?” and “What is needed to make your neighborhood great?” The group went for a walk around the community to identify their likes and dislikes, and we took pictures to capture input. Their honest and heartfelt answers and feedback will be vital to the planning process for the Choice Neighborhoods transformation.
Existing Conditions Resident Workshops
John H. Dickerson Center
Monday, July 22 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
To prepare for the Choice Neighborhood planning process, two resident-only data walk-through meetings were held to gather feedback and insight.
Design 101 Workshop
Palmetto Park
Tuesday, July 23 at 12 p.m.
Sixteen Community Ambassadors and project support staff attended an overview training called Design 101. We learned about the planning process and how to help support and guide conversations around the Choice Neighborhoods transformation.
Existing Conditions Public Workshop
John H. Dickerson Center
Tuesday, July 23 at 6 p.m.
As the final Existing Conditions event, the Public Workshop was held with over 40 residents, community partners/providers, and active citizens in attendance. Data was reviewed from the lens of level-setting by the attendees, and conversations were deep about the Midtown community. The Early Action Activity board was filled with great ideas from this amazing group.
Summer Fun Run: Daisy Stocking Park
Daisy Stocking Park
Wednesday, July 24 from 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
Housing Daytona Beach and One Voice for Volusia attended the last Summer Fun Run event of the year. Community members listened to great music, danced, played, and enjoyed free treats. We were able to connect with the community members in a variety of ways, and we shared the opportunity to submit an Early Action Activity idea.